In this Epiphany feast, an enlightening parallel might easily be established between the wise men and Saint Yves. Actually, they are more alike than one might think. It would be a mistake to go stop at the large cultural gap that exists between them because of a four thousands kilometers distance and twelve centuries that separates them. Indeed, the latter and the former show the constants of Humankind. An important difference between the wise men and saint Yves. To be honest, very few things...
Read MoreIn this Saint François of Assisi feast day, a saint who inspired a lot saint Yves’ whole life, it is interesting thinking about the respect due to Nature as an imperative necessity of Justice. Blessed Pope Paul VI wrote: “ The everlasting examples of Saint Francis of Assisi and the great Christian contemplative orders offer a testimony of harmonious interior life, got thanks to an ambiance built on confident communion with the rhythms and laws of Nature”. Saint John Paul II linked peace...
Read MoreIt seems very clear that Saint Yves was a very good walker. And, very probably, Christ Himself was too, for He did travel the Holy Land far and wide in order to proclaim the Good News of God’s Kingdom coming. Actually, Saint Yves had sold his horse to feed the poor who beset Him in times of famine. Then, he was required to walk a lot to join his successive parishes of Tredrez and Louannec, the bishopric of Treguier, which is where he had to sit as the judicial vicar, his mansion of Kermartin,...
Read MoreIt is interesting in these days of celebration, while contemplating the Holy Family, to draw some lessons from Saint Yves family life, in order to understand the fundamental part that a family plays in the blooming of the talents of its members. Saint Yves parents belonged to the low aristocracy of Brittany. His father, Hélor, was the local squire, giving his name to Saint Yves’ family: Hélory of Kermartin. His grandfather, Trancoët, had fought in the Crusades alongside Saint Louis of France....
Read MoreThe first Brazilian saint, saint Mother Paulina, was canonized on the day of Saint Yves feast, May 19 – 2002. Today, Brazil celebrates Pauline of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus (December 16, 1865 – July 9, 1942), more commonly known as Saint Mother Pauline She was born Amabile Lucia Visintainer in Tyrol, then part of Austro-Hungary, now in Italy. Like many others in the area, the Visintainer family was very poor and practicing Catholics. In 1875, the family immigrated to the State of...
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